Hi mummies, is there any recommendations for part time confinement lady? Like those that don't have to stay over

Ad-hoc Confinement Nanny services: - TMC http://www.thomsonmedical.com/confinement-nanny-services/ - Super Nanny http://www.supernannyservices.com.sg/services/confinement-nannies/ - Aunty Lee http://www.auntylee.com.sg/services
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There are day time confinement lady which you can engage. They will be over from around 9am - 6pm. http://www.confinementnanny.com/services/duties/ http://www.nannysos.com.sg/day-time-confinement-nanny/
Read morehttp://www.domestic1.com.sg/babynannies.html They have them too on per hour basis.
Yes. Check https://pemconfinement.com/