Hi mummies, how do I tell if my baby is having constipation? Is there anything to take note when adding solids to baby's diet to reduce the chance of constipation

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Small, hard, ball-like stools may be signs of constipation. Baby may also be showing persistent discomfort when moving her bowels. It could be due to milk (or other diary products) in your child’s diet. Here are some simple suggestions you can try to help ease constipation: - Giving your baby more fluid (you can try giving small amounts of diluted prune juice) - Wiggle your baby's legs in a gentle pedaling motion while he/she is lying on his/her back. - Gently but firmly massage your baby’s belly (below the navel). If you feel a firm area, keep a steady pressure there for a few moments. For more information on constipation: http://www.babycareadvice.com/babycare/microsites/infant_constipation/infant_constipation.old.htm

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