Unpaid hospital bills

Has anyone here ever had your household items seized by a hospital amounting to yr total unpaid bills? anyways i overlooked that i had outstanding bills and havent been home in awhile to check my letters too. They said that they have sent emails (which i didnt rcvd any). Anyways just wanted to know whether anyone here has experienced this before bc this is my first time hearing. TIA!

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did experienced the chasing part with the debt collector letter, but not seizing of household items of similar value. And I had been communicating with the hospital on payment options, ended up I had to tell them off to get the debt collector out of the loop to not complicate matters because I am already working the hospital to pay in installments and I had evidence of such communication. (which we did solved peacefully ,thankfully) For your case, were there any written notification of the seizing of household item? Because it does sound off if they seized your items without notifying?

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1y ago

thats good that you had the guts to tell them off 😅 if youre still in communication then ya they shouldnt complicate matters even further.. for my case, no eh... no written notification. and my bill was only frm a mth back so i was abit taken aback to hear that they rlly hv the power to seize household items esp from a public hospital..