Harmony test

My harmony test result came out.The sex chromosome test came out inconclusive.Anyone experience too?

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Ohh... mine was ok too.. Maybe you have your test too early (not enough DNA from baby yet) thus the result is inconclusive. Don’t worry, just wait for the re-test result. Everything will be ok. Be a happy mama. Happy mama, healthy baby. Take good care and God bless you and baby.

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4y ago

I will pray along with you; everything will be ok. Stay relax. And keep us inform. God bless you and baby❤️

I had no results from the nipt harmony test from kkh. I requested for refund from kkh and did panorma test with tmc as there is no guarantee that re test will have any results.

Hi may I know if your retest result was ok?

I did. mine was ok.. Did you ask it from doctor?

4y ago

i just redo the blood test. now awaiting the results