Armpit rash

Good morning mummies…. Wanted to ask if yall developed any form of rashes on your body? After my doctor appt last week (week36), I started developing rashes under my armpits and it has been spread throughout my entire pit… tried using nappy rash cream and it doesn’t seems to help #firsttimemom #pregnant #FTM #plsadvice

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Hi there, I developed PUPPP rash since I was week 29 and it’s the worst thing ever. It’s hive-like rash that started at my belly and spread to my chest and back, and is the most itchy thing ever! I tried so many different creams and remedies but nothing really works. Doc says it doesn’t harm me or baby and will go away after delivery. I’m in week 37 now and true enough it’s finally subsiding slowly.. hang in there! Calamine lotion helped me somewhat with the itch.. otherwise I take antihistamines to cope, especially at night.

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