Post Natal Depression

Just gave birth 2 weeks ago & i think im having the symptoms of post natal depression… I’ve been crying a lot & I don’t really have anyone around me at home to help out except for my mum & husband but both of them will be back to work soon… I will be taking care of my baby alone. How & where can i seek for help? #pleasehelp #1stimemom

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Post natal blues is very common actually. As long as it dont last more than 2 to 3 weeks. Do seek professional help if you feel you need to. I'm also a ftm with 0 help. The first week alone without help is the worst and trust me it does get better. My son is 2 mths plus now. I totally agree with joining telegram group, Facebook. It totally help alot. I recommend SG Mum & Baby group, MumChecked. I'm in it too. Feel free to reach out to me if you need a listening ear. 😀 😃 Jiayou mummy! you're stronger than you think.

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