Is bird nest okay for first trimester
Hi FTM. I’ve been taking home cooked bird nest twice daily and I’m in my 5th week . Does anyone think it will cause any issues ?

Depends on what it is cooked with, and also what type of bird nest. but generally taking bird nest is recommended to be only once a week, daily and even twice daily might be too much. can check with your gynae and TCM physician for better advice
Hello, my gynae advised me to take bird nest from trimester 2 onwards only. Not sure if will cause any issue but it’s to reduce the risk as trimester 1 is very critical and fragile.
I also read somewhere that we should only take bird nest in the second trimester. My friend asked me to take chicken essence in the first trimester.
I started taking bottled bird nest in my second trimester. Some say it’s a waste to eat in the early pregnancy.
Also just make sure birds nest is thoroughly clean!