Feeding baby water and brushing teeth

Hi, FTM here When can I start feeding baby water and how much ? How can I start to teach baby clean teeth 🪥? Any useful products like sippy cup or oral care can recommend me? #advicemommies #pleasehelp #firsttimemom

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I fed at 6 months old when she started solids (few sips). She used Richell training sippy cup and managed to get it on the first try! For teeth brushing, 4.5m as she had her first tooth at 4.5m, I use baby toothbrush with fluoride free toothpaste (Dr brown).

1y ago

thanks 😊

my 7MO just started popping out first tooth. im still using the silicon finger brush. i will be purchasing a baby toothbrush and toothpaste when more teeth are coming out and protruding enough.