Prenatals causing bloat
Hi! FTM here…. Have been having bloatedness and nausea which is suspect is caused by the prenatals I’m eating since I only get the symptoms after eating the vitamins. Anybody have a similar experience or can recommend prenatals that are easier on the tummy?

Me too! Could be the folic acid I felt the same way. I bought mine through Watson prior to my gynae visit. It was 9mg after my gynae visit they also prescribe me folic acid, which I realised was 5mg. So that could be it? For me at least. I felt better after changing the “dosage”. To be fair they also gave me nausea pills to help. But I only take it when I really need it.
Read moreIf you are in first trimester then I believe you are only taking folic acid? I don’t think folic acid will cause bloatedness. Could be pregnancy causing it. I’m currently at 6 weeks plus and feeling it too.
Me too!!! I’m dreading taking the supplements every morning. Coz of the nausea that comes with it. Not sure why.
it could be bloatedbess from the pregnancy too. but can ask your gynae for ganilia