Obese breastfed baby boy

#Firsttimemom #babyboy #breastfeeding #breastfedbaby Hello. Meron po ba ditong EBF pero obese ang baby? Ano pong ginawa ninyo to mitigate the case? 2 months and 3 weeks old si LO and he is already 10kg. Exclusively breastfed sya since day 1 and unli latch by demand kami. Nakabukod kami so naiiwan kami sa house when my hubby's on duty. I'm a bit worried kasi sabi ng pedia ay hindi normal ang weight nya. More exercise daw. He is 61.4cm tall. Thank you for your insights. #1stimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp #firstbaby #respect

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Medyo hindi nga po normal ung weight na 10kg sa almost 3 months pa lang. Pag gising sya po, pagexercise nyo po sya sa play area nya. Si baby ko po, 5.1 kg ngayong 2months sya and 60cm tall.