I'm week 19 day 5. I was told to only start monitoring kicks from week 28. A woman's uterus does not have sensory nerves capable of detecting the baby's movements, nor do her intestines that lie behind the uterus. This means that only movements that are directed towards the front of a woman's uterus (towards her belly surface) will be felt. since you're anterior, prob can't feel yet. I've been feeling kicks get stronger since week 16. mine is posterior. it also freaks me out when I feel kicks irregularly. so i was told to only start monitoring from week 28.
it’s also my first preg with anterior placenta. i think i felt some movements some time at week 21, and it has some fluttery feels at the lower part. sometimes even near the bladder. but movements throughout the day weren’t consistent - sometimes can’t even feel any!