Mom-to-be, have you already felt the signs of the baby finding the birth canal?

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Increased Pelvic Pressure
Frequent urination
Easier Breathing
Changes in Walking
Increased Vaginal Discharge
Braxton Hicks Contractions

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As a mother who has experienced pregnancy and childbirth, it is common to start feeling the signs of the baby moving towards the birth canal in the weeks leading up to labor. This process is known as lightening or engagement, where the baby's head settles lower into the pelvis in preparation for birth. Some signs that you might notice include: 1. Increased pelvic pressure: You may feel increased pressure in your pelvic area as the baby's head drops lower. 2. Changes in your belly shape: Your belly may appear lower and more pointed as the baby shifts downward. 3. Easier breathing: With the baby dropping, you may find that you can breathe more easily as there is less pressure on your diaphragm. 4. Increased need to urinate: As the baby puts more pressure on your bladder, you may find yourself making more frequent trips to the bathroom. 5. Pelvic discomfort: You may experience more discomfort or even pain in your pelvic area as the baby's head presses down. If you are experiencing any concerns or are unsure about the signs you are feeling, it's always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance and support as you near your due date.

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