LO solid food

Hi fellow mummies, My LO is turning 6 months soon. With that, LO will be starting on solids. May i know what is your daily meal schedule like? Also, what type of solid food did you start your LO with?

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8am Blended avocado or any fruits with milk for breakfast or gerber cereal. 1130am Lunch 530pm dinner was porridge. 830pm Milk 12+am Milk 4+am Milk My baby drinks a lot. Now he is almost 3, he still takes so much milk except he eats rice instead of porridge now. And he snacks carrot sticks/fruits/biscuit between lunch and dinner. He is 97.5cm 20Kg 🤫

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https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcrS_gja9F/?igshid=14b98mornr409 hope it helps! my schedule for my baby is always lunch 1 meal. normally around 11am to 1pm depend what time she wakes up from nap. I replaced 1 milk session for a meal

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