No gestational sac at 5 weeks

Hi fellow mummies! Would like to see if anyone have any similar situation as me #pleasehelp #firstbaby #advicepls #1stimemom #pregnancy I was 5 weeks when I went to see a gynae & there was nothing in uterus (transvaginal scan) I usually have regular periods btw.. Doc say either too early, ectopic or sign of miscarriage Did a blood test at 6pm on 14/10 - 523 Another blood test at 8am on 17/10 - 1460 Which is doubling every 18hrs after I checked. I also have no bleeding, no severe pain nor cramping Doc said doubling is a good sign & I'm scheduled for another scan on 25/10. I'm really nervous however I do feel positive.. Afterall they said mummy's instincts! I do feel there's nothing wrong with my body but I can't help to worry.

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5 weeks is super early! Recommended to do an ultrasound when you're 8 weeks and above. By then your foetus is big enough to be seen clearly on the screen and also his heartbeat. Did mine at 5 weeks pregnant due to heavy bleeding. Seek 2nd opinion, same result. Sac seen but no sign of a baby, only debris. Rest is history. Got my rainbow baby 2 yrs later. But no sac is not always a sign of a miscarriage. Just too early, way too early to be seen.

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3y ago

All the best! If you based your pregnancy on your LMP, it may not be accurate. You're probably earlier than 5 weeks. But doubling and no cramps or bleesing is a very good sign!