Baby movements, can it be?

Feeling random twitches and pulses that can last 1 to 3 times in a row around my lower abdomen area. When i try to feel it again, it just feels like my normal pulses. Now week 18, aware that baby movements might not be felt at this stage yet. But could it be?

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I started to feel little twitches and bubbling feelings at week 18 so it could be small movements from the baby! It will get stronger over time so be patient and continue talking to your baby

The pulse like feeling could be your aorta since your body is working harder to pump blood. A twitch or a muscle spasm-like feeling could be your baby ☺️


Yeah could be, for some mothers the heart beat could be felt as early as week 16, but generally it will take around week 19-20 to feel it nicely.

Random twitches can be baby movement! You'll feel more movement as the weeks go by.

yah it could be. i first felt mine at week 15, and now second pregnancy at week 14.

Yeah it can be. Observe this everyday and you will know soon :)