Threatened Miscarriage

Experienced brown discharge at 7 weeks and rushed to the ED. Doctor said I had a threatened miscarriage but thankfully the foetus is still doing fine. Doctor recommended more bed rest and limited activities. I’m quite an active person prior to this.!I can walk for hours and prefer climbing stairs etc. But my mom found out and was absolutely adamant I do no such thing. The only time I was allowed to walk was to go to the bathroom. Any idea what activities or the intensity of activities I’m allowed to do while the foetus stabilises? #firsttiimemom #firsttrimester

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It might feel like you're not in pain, and maybe you might think it's ok to walk/gym, but that rest is going to do you and bb so much good. It's messed with my mind so much a couple of months ago when bleeding kept happening. Rest! Netflix! Meditate! Slow down... Talking to a professional helps too. When I committed to resting, bb really stabilised and now, so active and healthy. Absolutely didn't regret going through that almost "useless" feeling, laying in bed. You can do it! All the best to you and bb :)

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Do listen to the doctor and your mum. I had some brown discharge which ended up as a miscarriage. I couldn’t do anything when I had the brown discharge except bed rest. Even that didn’t save my baby. Having the miscarriage truly wrecked me. I cried for many many months every day even though I truly believed God knows whats best for me. Please take care of yourself and your baby and I wish you all the best 😊

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5h ago

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss :( yes, I’m on a near total bed rest now and praying everyday that my body is strong enough to hold on to the foetus.

I agree with the other comments. Do rest more and perhaps even stop intercourse and let the bb stabilise. I was a very active person going to the gym 5 - 6 times a week weight lifting prior to pregnancy. Since I found out about our bb, I’ve stopped going for 5 months now. The priority is your child now - do take care 🙂

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You should just heed your doctor's and mom's advice to rest more and move less unless necessary. It does sound very boring but it's only till your pregnancy stabilises so just bear with it. In the meantime you can just watch videos on your phone to pass time

12h ago

Agree. Just follow the doctor's advice and rest. You really don't wanna risk having a miscarriage coz u didn't follow instructions. The guilt isn't worth the few months of less activity.

I was the same and even up to middle of 2nd tri was advised not to stand/walk much. Just follow, don’t risk it. Can start to exercise when stabilize

hello, maybe for the first 3 months best to stay on the bed. after 3 months you can try swimming, maybe a short walk after meals etc.

I had to go bedrest for 2 whole weeks and yes really need to minimize walking.