Ask the Expert Series: How Can I Build a Strong Relationship With My Child?

Hello everyone! Excited to “see” you! I am Amalina Yahya, Naluri Mental Health Coach. Together with the team at TheAsianParent, we would love to address your concerns about all your relationship problems with your little one. Leave your questions in the comment section below, and we will do our best to respond to them! Topic: How Can I Build a Strong Relationship With My Child? Date: Wednesday 12th April 2023 Time: 8.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m

Ask the Expert Series: How Can I Build a Strong Relationship With My Child?
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Community user's question: My 1 year old daughter is so much closer to my hubby as he carry her more and I am abit sad that she wants him over me at times. I have been taking care of her all these while together with my hubby but she has her own preference and will cry for him to carry her but not me. :(

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2y ago

It's natural for children to have a preference for one parent over the other, especially at a young age. It's important to remember that this preference does not reflect on your parenting abilities or how much your child loves you. With time, your daughter will grow to love and appreciate both of you equally. Here are some tips that may help: Spend quality time with your child: Even if your child prefers your husband, make sure to spend quality time with your daughter. Find activities that you both enjoy: Look for activities that you and your daughter can enjoy together. Keep trying: Even if your daughter cries for your husband, keep trying to comfort her and be there for her. Communicate with your husband: Communicate with your husband about how you feel, and work together to ensure that both of you have an equal opportunity to bond with your daughter.

I am working mother. Mother in law is the caregiver of my baby ,my baby is not close to me at all . She tend to cry for my Mother in law very often . It’s very upsetting for me. How can I get close to my baby?

2y ago

Take care of yourself: It's important to take care of yourself so that you can be the best caregiver for your baby. Get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, and exercise regularly. Communicate with your mother-in-law: Talk to your mother-in-law about ways that you can work together to help your baby feel more comfortable around you. It's important to have open and honest communication. Be patient: Building a strong bond with your baby takes time and patience. Don't be discouraged if your baby is initially more attached to your mother-in-law. Keep trying, and with persistence and consistency, you will eventually develop a strong bond with your child. Be patient with yourself and your baby, and keep working on building that connection. Much love. :)

My toddler always do every thing what ever way he wants. Never like to listen to others, even for mum and dad/ Is it normal? How can I get close to him and build better relationship?

2y ago

Positive Reinforcement: Praise your toddler when they follow instructions or do something well. For example, say, "Great job putting away your toys! Let's play a game together now." Spend Quality Time: Spend quality time with your toddler every day. This can help build a stronger relationship and make your child more receptive to your instructions. Consistency: Be consistent with your expectations and consequences. If your toddler doesn't follow instructions, give them a consequence that's appropriate for their age, such as a time-out or losing a privilege.

I heard that being a parent and friend to your child are not possible especially when you have to discipline your child. What is your opinion on this?

2y ago

Many experts agree that being a parent and a friend to your child are not mutually exclusive, but rather they complement each other. Parents can provide support, love, and guidance to their children while also being able to set boundaries, enforce rules, and discipline them when necessary. However, it is essential to remember that the parent-child relationship is unique and different from a friendship. Parents have a responsibility to guide and protect their children, whereas friends have no such obligation. Therefore, when it comes to discipline, parents need to make sure they are not compromising their role as authority figures in their child's life. Discipline should be done in a way that is respectful, age-appropriate, and consistent. Parents should communicate clearly with their children about what behaviors are expected of them and what consequences they will face. It's important to recognize that discipline doesn't have to be harsh or punitive; it can also involve positive rei

What are the excellent ways to bond with children daily? Is it essential to spend quality time with them daily?

2y ago

Spending quality time with your children is crucial for building a strong and healthy relationship with them. Here are some ways to bond with children daily: Have regular conversations: Take the time to talk with your children daily.Engaging in conversations with your children can help build trust and understanding. Play together: Whether it's playing board games, sports, or outdoor activities, playing together can create fun memories and strengthen your relationship. Read together: Reading with your children is an excellent way to bond with them while also fostering their love for learning. Cook together: Cooking or baking with your children is an excellent way to bond while also teaching them valuable life skills. Let your children help choose the recipe and assist you with the cooking process. Create a daily routine: Establishing a daily routine can help you and your children spend quality time together consistently.

Is it fine to build a buddy-like rapport with a baby/ toddler?

2y ago

As you build a rapport with a baby or toddler, it's important to remember to respect their individual temperament and developmental level. Some children may be more outgoing and responsive to social interaction, while others may be more reserved or sensitive to stimulation.

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what's the platform for this talk? is this an online lecture?

2y ago

Hello Adhara, this is a live Q&A session. :)

How can we have strong relationships with kids? any tips?

2y ago

Building a strong relationship with children requires time, effort, and patience. Here are some tips that can help you build strong relationships with kids: 1) Show unconditional love and support 2) When children talk to you, give them your full attention and listen actively. 3) Spend quality time with your children, and be present in the moment. Avoid distractions, such as phones or television, and focus on enjoying the time you have together. 4) Consistency is key in building trust and reliability. Be consistent in your actions, words, and expectations. Children feel safe and secure when they know what to expect from you. 5) Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings, and validate their emotions. Let them know that their opinions matter, and that you value their input. 6) Building strong relationships with children takes time and effort. Be patient and don't expect immediate results.



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