2513 responses
Super lethargic with terrible body pain. Lower abdomen pain. Painful nipples. On checking Google, most of these where pregnancy symptoms. So on my next menses due date my husband and I checked 😁 Yes we were too impatient
cramping, killer backache, sore breast, thick milk white discharge, craving and dreaming about being pregnant for 9 days straight.
had a massive 4 pimple on my chin. I rarely get pimple and I searched its due to hormones. So I tried to test on 9dpo and got faint line.
Delay period... Feeling too tired and need to sleep evry second minute and hour😅✌
bloated stomach, suka ng suka tuwing gabi ng acid nahihilo sa gabi mabilis ma pagod.
Coughing that trigger the vomit, breast cramp, increase in body temperature
today abit of spotting tmr morning is brown discharge , breast tender.
Spotting, tiredness, nipple minor pain, cravings, delay menstrual
having fever for 2 days up down on off & body aching all over
I found my menstruated cycle was delayed for quite some time