Tips to shorten labour
My due date will be in few weeks times. Is there any tips to shorten labour ? And do we go to hospital only when contraction is 3-5mins apart? Other than that just stay at home and monitor ? #FTM

For first time mum, usually labour will take awhile but subject to different experience you encounter. On your last few check up, by 37 weeks onwards, dr/gynae will check if baby's head engaged at birth canal and if your cervix dilate. Should your cervix yet to dilate then you can take some tips from google or artiste like Nadiah M Din on how she did shorten her labour. If your waterbag broke at home, you can still bath, get ready until you feel the contractions like 2 to 5 mins apart (intense pain) then you straight go to labour. However, it also depends what has been advice on your last appt with dr/gynae. Some of them will advice you to quickly go labour once waterbag broke, while some will ask you to go labour once it get tense. Because dilation don't happened that first. I had some friends esp for FTM who has long labour experience.
Read moreFrom my two births, I will feel intense back pain that’s how I know my labour started. I will nap or sleep it off first to rest before actual labour. When contraction starts to be 10 min interval, can start to bathe and prepare. I will usually leave for the hospital between 3-5 minutes intervals. By the time I reach, I will usually be 5-7cm dilated, will straight away go to delivery room in time for epidural 😉
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