Does drinking coconut water helps in delivering a 'clean' baby? If yes, when should we start drinking it?
tk dpt air kelapa pn tkpe.. minum minyak kelapa dara.. sbb ade tmpt kelapa muda susah gak nk jmpe hari2
I drink coconut water around 32 weeks pregnancy. But I didnt know that help baby clean. 🙈
I heard before about coconut water, but i didn't baby was clean without coconut water
I don't know if it's a myth but it's worked for my friends. They started at their 37 week
Yes, I drank coconut starting from weeks 34 and my baby turned out clean.
sy minum start 8bulan setiap hari suami beli. air kelapa ori tnpa cmpur gula & ais..
ikut ibu juga.... to me, yes it clean but hair 😅 sehelai pun tiada.. baby girl botak...
yes.......ini fakta bkn auta.....7 bulan da boleh start minum da...
Heard of that too! Some mums swear it works to keep bb cleaner though!
Yes,kulit bby bersih mase keluar.. Sy biasa minum 8 months above.. ☺
Household goddess of 1 rambunctious junior