Which motherhood stage is the most difficult?

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Before giving birth to my baby
After giving birth to my baby
When my baby is becoming a toddler
When my child transitions to primary school
Others (Comment down below)

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I’m a first time mum during pandemic. No family nor confinement nanny! But glad my husband is there with full support both physically and emotionally. It’s a teamwork!

Teenage years.. Handling thier hormones changes and range is way too challenging than a baby who couldn't talk buy cry. Lol

Hi, I would say every stage has its own set of difficulties and we figure out solutions to get past them :)

Not until you have teenagers. It's the most stressful & challenging part of motherhood.

VIP Member

Every stage has it's ups and downs. We learn along that way.

Different stage has different things to worry about 😅


when they cannot talk & when they dont want to talk

Every stage has its challenges and blessings

When they become toddler, takes up my energy

VIP Member

I would have to say after giVing birth😅