A Democratic Work Model - Vibrant democracy at Prayatna

A democratic work model is one in which everybody has good subordinates and bosses and everybody can adjust his work status at will. It refers to a society where the rank and file can vote on issues, not just the senior people, because all constituents have some say in how things are run. This is distinct from a fully managerial model, in which the leader is seen as almost mythical—an ideal role model whose job it is to inspire people into being better managers themselves. Students in the fresh political atmosphere created by the Prayatna Authorities at the Centre are keen on performing certain tasks as suggested by their leaders with utmost dedication. For instance, they would like to form a “Mandal” to run their school/educational institution/operation in a democratic way. It is expected that these students will work hard and give their best efforts in fulfilling the conditions put by their political leaders The Cabinet is mandated to function as a collective organ. This mandates that elected members of the members draft and adopt policy and programme documents which are all modelled on the consolidated policies of the student matters and implementing rules of the Institution. Students in Prayatna Education NGO have the right to choose their local leaders via general elections held once in six months through written and electronic applications. Students have the right to elect one or more members of their school's student council to serve as their leader. Each student has two votes for choosing their candidate which makes it crucial that candidates represent a wide range of opinions among Why Prayatna’s Democratic Work Model? Students cabinet is the most important and popular place for students to interact with each other, but it’s quickly become a “memories room” that contains countless stories and anecdotes pulled from many different students. The team behind Students Cabinet decided to make this online place because we believe browsing through photos of happy moments with friends can enhance any negative moment at school. The cabinet’s purpose is to keep students connected and inspired on a daily basis and, more importantly, help break down any barriers that may exist between students. Migrant Children become empowered when they work on a project that fulfills our passions. When they complete a significant project, not only did they overcome some obstacle, but children also experienced the gratification of overcoming an obstacle. The sense of accomplishment can be so rewarding that we continue working towards our goals even when we feel we cannot succeed. This is where development of a sense of empowered comes in. We learn to see things from others’ perspective, get better at seeing relationships through different eyes, and gain the confidence to take action when we have chosen not to by following a safer routine. Then we can choose to continue developing these abilities to win over opportunities in our lives of our children! http://www.prayatnasoe.org/

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