Female circumcision (sunat perempuan)

Dear mummies (muslim parents), can I check if you mummies still send your female daughters for female circumcision in this day and era? I'm asking coz my husband is a bit unwilling to let our baby girl go through such procedure as we are not able to find any supporting facts in the Quran with regards to female circumcision. I told my mum that I may not send my daughter for female Circumcision however she was kind of upset and the other day she sends me texts saying that my other siblings / her friends keep asking if we have send our girl for circumcision. Any mummies here that didn't send their girl for circumcision and may I know why? #advicepls #firstbaby #1stimemom #pleasehelp #babygirl

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If you're circumcised yourself then please ask yourself the question, if given the choice and option.. would you have willingly gone through it? If your answer is not a firm yes, then please.. Don't put your girl through this.