Baby's weight is more in 32 Weeks of pregnancy
Dear mommies, I had my baby's growth scan today at 32 weeks and my baby's weight is more i.e 2140 gm. Doctor said it is more than normal and I can face difficulty during labour for normal delivery or may be I have to go for cesarean delivery delivery. Please advice what to do, I am very nervous. #1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy #advicepls

Hi! Dont worry, if u feel uncomfortable with your gynae, there are always other option, u must feel confident and in control of your birth with the right and proper information. The big baby scare of c sect is inappropriate, one of my baby is scanned to be 4.2kg at full term. My gynae did mentioned about csect too but i have no health issues. And when i give birth shes is 3.8kgnatural labour. And i have no gestational diabetes. And try to eat healthy and drink more water and greens! This is just my opinion but do consult a professional for a second opinion!
Read moreTrust your gyanae that's why you go to him/her. Well, my baby was smaller than the scanned weight. Be positive!! If it is really to big based on your size and height, go c sec! your gyanae will give the best option for you. dont think too much and cause unnecessary worries. I saw my neighbour's new born weight is 4.8kg. is like super giant baby....
Read moremy doctor ask me to control diet when I'm 7 month into pregnancy since 5 month onwards my baby has been on bigger size side I didn't bother much about it. my baby came out at 36 weeks weighing 3.2kg. I have friends who gave birth to 4kg baby too. I think most importantly is healthy
I was told that baby is on the bigger side too! he really is quite big la hahaha had him at 40wks 3.915kg natural delivery. it's doable!! but trust your body. if giving birth naturally is your goal, then go with the flow but if you're ok with c sect, you can always opt for it :)
My gynae told me that my baby was a bit chubby at Week 25. So I cut all sweet and sugary food from my diet (e.g, No milo, cookies, desserts). It worked for me, and my baby was born 3.28kg at 41 weeks. She was estimated to be around 3.2 to 3.3kg at 40 weeks.
Cut out all sugar and unhealthy carbo. U still have at least 4 weeks to control and maintain. It’s for both ur own and baby’s health. Don’t give up k!
2140 I think is fine during the check mine was 2100gm - 2600gm. Still normal birth
Try to cut on carbs & sugar intake. Control your diet
Hi i think thats fine . Just control your diet .
Thank you 😊