2nd pregnancy symptoms
Currently 8 weeks. No symptoms like vomiting. Just nauseous on certain days. Don't even feel pregnant at all. Still have energy to do house chores. Somedays baby bump is obvious. Some days it's not. Anyone went through the same?

i am 36yo, wk12. no major symptoms. except bloating. but i do feel nauseous when i eat too much and sometimes i just let it out to feel better. otherwise obs says i can keep to my usual exercise routine but take note not to be over tired. still doing my household chores as usual. eating fruits like apples often to help with bowel movements. i started wearing lose fitting pants so i dont feel so uncomfortable else all is doing great 😄
Read moreFirst pregnancy, no symptoms at all apart from terrible fatigue during weeks 10-12ish? 23 weeks now, everything going well, my bump is still not very noticeable as well haha probably cos it’s my first
Me. Doesnt feel pregnant till i only realise i had a baby when its already two months. Very active. Just loose appetite abit and no symtoms at all
No nausea except poorer appetite, 1 additional bowl of bird nest everyday which i cant catch up with this diet.. 8 weeks too, no baby bump yet.
i had close to no symptoms for my pregnancies 💕
I felt this too when I am having my fourth baby.