Rib and back pain

Currently on 2nd trimester suddenly have this pain under the rib all the way to the back!! 😩😩 it’s on the right side. Went to A&E KKH checked everything is normal, doc suspect either gallbladder or muscle ligament pain so need to stay a night to do further check in the morning. Found nothing from gallbladder result so likely is the muscle ligament pain. But it is so so so painful until cant sit and walk, any mummy experience the same??

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I'm at week36 and felt some sort of pain around my back and rib when baby moved so i just froze at the position until i find it ok to move. But it wasn't so bad that I can't move or think I'd need to get myself admitted.. I hope you get over this soon!!

Experienced that too!! 😭 went to TMC emergency but doctor says muscle pain

2y ago

Hang in there!! Here is my experience, After 4 days finally it gets better, i put salonpas and tiger balm. Also, i engaged private prenatal yoga and she helped me do some massages which help to ease the pain. I can finally sleep🥲 Previously cant even sit, stand and lie down also cannot. So terrible!!