Eczema in baby
Is it common for babies to have eczema? I am having this mama guilt after my baby develop eczema and everyone is saying it is due to my diet (took 2 nuyolk soft boiled eggs daily and stopped). My child never had eczema before since birth but recently he developed eczema until we have to bring him to see PD.

it is not due to your diet that baby developed eczema n actually if u r breastfeeding, it's good to consume allergens like nuts, soya n eggs then BF baby as u can expose them to allergens indirectly n it can actually help prevent allergies or help them outgrow it
does your family or husb family have anyone that has aczema or asthma? i just brought my baby to visit dermalogist and he told me if family background have this illness may be the reason why my baby had mild eczema as baby's skin are sensitive.
How old is your baby? I thought it is fairly common. Did the PD advise that it is due to your diet and why? I don't think you need to pay attention to what everyone else says except for the medical practitioner.
He’s 4 months plus old now. PD say could be due to eggs as I never change my usual diet until I start to eat nuyolk eggs.. and quite upset with the fact that Nuyolk eggs help to curb eczema. 😂😅
My boy have ezcema too, It’s quite common in kids actually so don’t blame on your diet. Maybe see what the PD says, some can be under control by constant moisturising.
Can try Aforapothecary baby balm! TinyKoala gt open gb~ ig can search ☺️
Eczema is quite common here and can be treated easily in early stages ..
Eczema is quite common, especially in sg weather because its hot & humid
Did the cream help? What did you eat before baby develops eczema?