Is your child scared of bath time? If so, how do you help overcome that fear?
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Yes at first but he grew to like it
No, he enjoys it
Yes - he hates it!
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It took some time definitely. It helps to have play time during bath that makes it less intimidating for her
The first time was so scary for both me and the little one but soon after they became fun for both of us
He hated water in his eyes so I had to wipe water away every time it gets to his eyes
My kid loves it but should parents be worried if the baby cries alot during it ?
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As a newborn he would cry sometimes, but he outgrew it and now loves bathtime
My kids love bath time after a while cuz they love to play with the water
Warm water to be more warm. Sing and talk to baby.
No issues with mine. Totally enjoying it!
Help them to relax by singing to them
Slowly... Introduce toys and play!