532 responses

Started as early! lol. We help to save first n hide somewhere. 😂 since lo is young n doesn’t know anything. Then we will slowly explain n guide when lo reach the age of 4.
7 years old. Taught them that whatever balance lunch money they have, they can put in their piggy bank to save
Haha 1-3 is a little bit too young. I think they’ll end up just breaking it by playing with it
Baby's grandmother bought her piggy bank at 1 month lol. Oh well good to think about the future
Their grandfather gifted them piggy banks at birth! He believes in the power of starting early
When he is old enough to understand the concept of saving...
I think 4-6 years of age is good for the piggy bank
Starting as young as possible is the best
right when i start giving her allowance
I made my child start saving up early