How do you ensure that your child is kept safe while using the internet?
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I make sure to keep a lookout on what he/she does at all times
I restrict him/her from accessing certain sites
I install a blocker to avoid him/her to get access to certain sites
I explain to him/her the dangers of using the web and trust his/her online behaviour
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Kids can watch Netflix unsupervised on the Kids account
I do check up time to time what they are viewing online
Only can go to the site that they have already shown me
VIP Member
will install a blocker to prevent accessing such sites
VIP Member
But my children always try to hack the blocker.. Sigh
5y ago
And restrict his/her internet usage time
Normally they use it in the common rooms
Super Mum
Dun allow to use in e 1st place
Put a child content blocker
Education is the best way!
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