Are you worried when your child goes through their adolescence period?
Are you worried when your child goes through their adolescence period?
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Yes I am! I don't know what to expect and how to handle it 😥
No. It is normal for them to go through this phase of life. So I will take it as it is, when it happens 🙃

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I would not be worried but I rather I would be more supportive for my child to help him the phase when it comes

nope come what may will be his pillar of hope, strength and person to confide in hopefully

que sara sara will be there to constantly guide, listen and even just keeping quiet

somewhat but it’s an inevitable process. guess we’ll find out!

Just talk to them and let it be natural as this is a process....

Worried but will take it as it happens. Try my best to be there

I’m worried as idk how they will react to such changes

I know i need to provide as much support as needed

its a process that everyone have to go through

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I just hope I can still be there for him