Can you keep a secret well?
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Yes, definitely. My lips are totally sealed!
No. I am the worst at keeping secrets.
Neither of the above. No one tells me their secrets
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Hi mummies, few weeks back get to know i'm positive pregnant around 6-7 weeks. My doctor appointment is june and is long. Should i go to private clinic to check condition on my pregnancy? Abit worried. I had failed once.
Totally can keep a secret , am literally a black book for a lot of my frenz
I used to bad at it, but I slowly am becoming better at it
Yes. My friends know I keep secrets well.
Depends on what type of secret tho hahh
Used to be bad at it, now I’m good
Sometimes I forget it’s a secret
Yeah I’m pretty good with that
i’d like to believe that i am
Very good at keeping secrets :)
Excited to become a mum