816 responses
Prefer to own one because renting also means you have to be very careful with it. And travelling with coats can be rough sometimes depending on what you do
prefer buy as can use it for next holidays and also don't like the idea of wearing clothes which has been worn by different people.
It’s great to have some winter clothes on hand, so we know what to bring based on the harshness of the weather
Buy. It’s not that expensive and you can wear it over and over if your size remains the same.
Hmm, I don't like the idea of wearing clothes worn by lot of different people previously
If possible, buy new ones. I dont rly like the idea of wearing what other have worn
For a country like singapore, renting may be a smart option for winter clothes
I like to be able to pass it down or giveaway to family members instead
Prefer buying. There will be future trips which requires them too.
Buying so that we can use it for multiple occasiona