Did you have troubles breastfeeding after giving birth?
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Yes, my baby wont latch
Yes, my milk wont come out/lack of milk production
No, it was easy for me
Others (tell us in the comments!)
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Baby couldn't latch well and was fussy. It was painful and bleeding. At some point, i even got mastitis. Recovered after taking antibiotics and resorted to exclusively pumping.
I always had problems with latching and having enough milk supply for my child
VIP Member
My body do not produce much milk...really have to pump for quite some time
My daughter was a natural as the nurse said the day she was born
Too stressed as a first time mom Affected my milk supply
Yes, it was quite painful at first but then got better
VIP Member
Nope, had read articles about breastfeeding before(:
I don't kniw. Do daddies breastfeed?
Yes it was not as easy as I thought
the first one was difficult