Do you know the exact reasons why some might say that breastfeeding is better than formula milk?

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aside from it is natural and free, it has all the nutrients the baby needs which cannot be found in milk formula.

This is 100% natural and full of antibodies for the baby that no other milk can replicate :)

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Antibodies, customizer for baby, bonding. Prevents breast and ovarian cancer for mummy

Not exactly but would love to learn more about its benefits and how it affects baby.

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There is a special antibodies that no milk powder can replicate 100%

It’s a 100% complete nutrients our baby needs and also 100% free.

As they say what the mum eats is nutrients directly for their child

breastfeeding is still best for babies from human milk.

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Customised for the baby different needs.

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Yes #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers

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