portable breast pump
benude or baby express or jevon baby is good? do portable breast pump empty well?

Depends, it works for some people. Personally I tried baby express benude and it wasn’t expressing very well but at the same time I was having difficulty establishing my supply. If I had a chance to redo, I would use my spectra religiously until my supply is fully established then used a portable breast pump when only necessary such as when going out.
Read moreare u currently alrdy pumping or looking to purchase for when your bb is out? if want a handsfree. can pump and u can walk around and do housework or carry baby while it's pumping, be nude would be a good and easy choice.
I use hands free pumps exclusively and find them to give better yield than the hospital grade ones,but each person is different. I'm using cubble, cheap and good and no frills.
Mine empties almost similar to spectra usually about 50ml less only.. but for my friend it didn’t empty well for her
it can really vary a lot for different people... we can only try as we go along 💕