crazy itching PP

Hi! It's been 4 weeks since I gave birth. Since the 2nd week ive been itching but its getting so much worser. Itching is on my arms, legs and back. Any home remedies or OTC medication recommendations pleaseeeee im itching like hell 😭 is this PP hives?? redish and tiny bumps all overr 🥲

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try calamine lotion! u can get it from guardian. works for me when i have developed eczema during 1st tri. reddish tiny bumps could be eczema as i had those as well. and also change to eczema friendly shower gel and use eczema friendly lotion.

I had it too. It was terrible coping with the itch and having to learn how to breastfeed and care for a newborn. I ended up going to skin specialist to get steroid cream, and i stopped doing confinement (stopped all the heaty food)

Oh dear, u must feel so terrible. I had pp hives too, tt was bad. Try anti histamines, that may help. Suu balm may help as well since it's cooling

I had it too. it was bad. I used aveeno baby


