5 Replies

Take your dysrogesteron and folic acid. It will help stabilise your pregnancy. Have plenty of bed rest too. I'm speaking from experience because I recently had abdomen cramps and a heavy bright red discharge and was rushed to the hospital at the start of my week 8. Fetal heartbeat still normal. Now proceeding to week 9. I was also given dysrogesteron upon hospitalisation discharge and folic acid and pro-biotics to help my pregnancy. The doctor advised me to rest in bed more. My 3 days of bed rest at kk allowed my foetus to grow by 0.2mm. So I felt the importance of it. Don't worry. Ur foetus will feel it too.

Hi! It happened to me recently, LMP(11 Feb 2023) went for my first appointment they couldn’t see any embryo and no heartbeat detected as base on scan i am 4weeks+ and was told to come back in two weeks time. Went to o&g recently due to vomiting & dehydration the dr scan through vaginal and i’m at my 5w6d today and we finally see our little bean and the heart was flickering too. Have faith babe! Continue with the meds & vits x

Hi! at 6wks, i had brown discharge for 5 days and went to see dr - ultrasound was ok and i was prescribed to take dulphaston 40mg a day and ultrogeston. Its my 3rd day taking the meds and the spotting is getting lesser and color lighter. Wishing you well on this pregnancy!

Hi, it’s happen to me today too. Pregnant 5 weeks 1 days and found discharge light pink, red and brownish with some blood cloth. Went to emergency after scan found blood cloth and is a old blood. Doc gave me dydrogesterone to support 2 weeks until next scan to monitor. I got miscarriage on my first pregnancy on Oct 22. Worrying too is it normal on early pregnancy.

The waiting game is very worrying but we can only pray for the best... we just got to take medicine and relax ourselves.... May the almighty god be with us.... hugs 🫂 to u...

Hey! I went to different gynaes and they told me differently about the number of weeks. I think it’s due to how they manage to capture the size of the baby through the scans. So don’t worry, just continue taking care and take the medicine. You may be surprised 2 weeks’ later!

hi, Stacey thanks for the info... take care and rest well

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