Bad Confinement lady shares

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Oh dear! That sounds horrible. I hope you were able to get a new confinement lady or atleast tell her what she did wrong. Hope you didn't continue with her services after the string of bad services. Thanks for sharing. A few weeks ago, I came across a Facebook page that shares experiences about bad confinement ladies. Can't remember what the group is called but there are quite a few angry disgruntled employers of irresponsible CLs out there.

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Tor Kim Moy 25 April 1964 Contact number sg: 84577853 +60 16433 9498 Seriously agreed 2500 for 28 days Add 200 for stairs. 2700 , Can you be more reliable and not cheat us whose wife needs the rest . To recuperate. You can order my maid to do your work . Then chat on the phone. Baby vomit like merlion still ok. Until I see then say need see doc. Anyone engage her beware . You will put your wife and kid in harm. Just to share

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-14256)

She knows exactly what she did wrong. This unethical irresponsible untruthful even have the cheek to call my MIL. Saying I made her sleep in the kitchen. Hope no one will have to go tru such state in parenthood.

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Sorry for your bad experience however I have a good one to recommend. She is a relative's good friend and has been working in agency, recently decided to go on her own. @CLGraceChua 98302238

That's very irresponsible confinement nanny.