Refusing Bottle

Baby used to drink from bottle but then decide to direct latch as my husband work shifts. Now baby is 3 month old and is refusing bottle. Any tips to help? Previous bottle was tomme tippee, then now tried mam comotomo and pigeon but push away bottle with tongue

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Of course they will reject in the beginning as they have lost touch. I re-introduced bottle after 7 months and she did the same, in fact that time she got teeth and she started biting the bottle teats instead of sucking. But I kept trying everyday by giving 30 ml. And after a month she started drinking from bottle like before.

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2y ago

Hi Nur actually I started to give water 30 ml every day because it was difficult to prepare formula and end up wasting it if baby doesn't drink, so I gave 20-30 ml water twice or thrice a day just to practice the sucking through bottle. In 2 weeks time she was able to drink water from the bottle. Then I used to give 30-60ml formula just before direct latching, initially they might not finish fully just 20-30 ml they will drink and start crying. Continue to direct latch after that. Again in the next feed try 30-60ml formula first then direct latch and so on. You will see improvement how baby drinks formula via bottle. Accordingly you can increase quantity to 90ml see how it goes for a couple of days and then 120ml like that

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