What method do you use to get your baby to sleep?
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White noise
Driving around the neighbourhood
Rocking baby gently
Singing or reading a book to them
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I use the old method...sarong+spring hooked up to the ceiling...of course you cant find them anymore (i think) in SG...but thats how my mum does it, her mum does it, her mum's mum does it...
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My baby likes to hear me sing bla bla black sheep while patting him. 😀
My baby needs to drink milk when she wants to sleep....
Just cradle time and rock them gently
I just carry him and rock him gently
I will rock my baby in my arm gently
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Lucky my baby falls asleep easily
Rocking rocks for baby sleeping
None..I let her soothe herself
Rocking baby gently, it helps
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