Drinking lesser milk (baby only 13 days old)
Hi, my baby have been drinking at 80ml to 100ml per feed..but this 2 days, drinking only 50ml to 60ml per feed..is this an issue i need to worry about it?

yoohoo, my bb feeds abt 50-60ml before 1 month. i heard as long as bb is producing enough wet diapers and poop and no diarrhea or constipation etc, there's probably nothing to worry about. (unless baby vomits or refuse to drink then you might need to worry if bb is sick) Also monitor his weight. if his weight consistently drops, you might want to consult the PD.
Read moreI would be a bit concerned. Best to ask the paediatrician. also, how frequent is your baby drinking? is the total volume for the whole day increasing daily? if yes, then I will be less concerned. glad that you are paying attention to her feed amounts!
I wouldn’t worry much as the milk intake changes all the time. So long as baby is drinking and sleeping well, and poop, it should be fine. You can try increase the feeding frequency
hm..I wouldn't worry too much if your baby is gaining weight well and is fine. Babies eat as much as they need, and it does fluctuate sometimes.
If baby does not fuss and still gaining weight should be fine. I remember my baby only drinking like 30-60ml before 1st month.