Apakah Bunda khawatir tentang grafik pertumbuhan bayi Bunda?
Were you worried about your baby's growth charts?
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120 Tanggapan
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every month is always measured and my baby grows normally ,, Alhamdulillah ..
My baby is slim and not cubby was a bit worried
Only worried because he was diagnosed to have an acquired hydrocephalus
As a parent, I would want my child’s growth to be normal and healthy
There are stages of growth and babies are different from each other.
6months and 12months backward ang pag crawl nia
My son is 69cm 5 Mos pa lng sya. Weight is 7.2kg which is okay.
NO. Alhamdulillah, my baby growth normally for her age☺️
Super Mum
Nope. Because baby is growing well. Hitting the milestones.
As long as his within the normal range, I have no worries.
Pertanyaan populer
Mommy of 1 active boy