Do you prefer to make baby food yourself or buy them? (Here's 50 DIY 3-Ingredient Baby Food Recipes That Are Super-Fast & Nutritious:

Voice your Opinion
Prefer making it myself because it's safer
Prefer making it myself because it's cheaper
Prefer buying for the convenience
Prefer buying because I trust quality of the brands
Others: (comment below)
593 responses
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VIP Member
I prepare for making it by myself but if she refuse it then i buy the instant🙊
I sometimes make it myself, and buy it as a treat for my little one
I prefer looking at recipes online and then try making it myself
Prefer to make it myself but I don't always have the time
but i do buy on a rare occasion when i dont have the time
VIP Member
Self made is certainly cheaper but it’s a lot of work!
Myself since it’s safer and relatively easy to make
You know all the ingredients if you make it at home
Buying means more healthy ingredients can be added
make myself so i know what goes in it
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