4m baby
Baby is on ebm since birth, no changes to my diet but recently became very gassy, tummy always like drum, what can i do?

Pd can give u a med called ridwind for your baby. To be added together inside the breast milk during feeding. My lo is also experiencing similar situation
You can try to give woodwards gripe water. Apply ruyi oil massage the tummy and Do bicyle kicks too..
did everything u mentioned, gripe water makes baby vomit
U can help your baby to cycle his/her leg at every diaper change . Give him/her some gripe water .
gripe water makes my lo vomit, tried many times, give on its own/add to milk/give smaller amount, always vomit. did the cycle every diaper change 15-20mins
Check on the bottle teats can apply ruyi oil too
gripe water makes baby vomit. tried many times