Overfeeding? Help.

Baby is 6 weeks old and based on the weight, he should be taking 600ml daily. But at the moment he is constantly hungry, and daily intake is about 800-900ml. (90ml/2 hourly) I know the weight-base feeding volume is just a rough guide, as each baby is different. It’s just that baby’s appetite is alarming to me. (Baby is on formula by the way) Sometimes baby spit out milk, sometimes milk came out from his nostrils as well. Does any mummy experiencing similar situation?

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I was also worried and asked a similar qn recently! I also asked my PD and she said if baby is not vomiting usually babies don’t overfeed.. mine at 5 weeks also constantly hungry 100ml ? sometimes even 1.5 hours

6mo ago

mine is also currently 5weeks!!! In the day, baby takes about 100-120ml (apparently pd says its ok, due to growth spurt) and takes lesser at (mid)night as baby is sleepy ; about 70-90ml~ i guess they have bigger appetites compared to others, but i'm glad that they dont vomit out!!!