When to drop night feeds

My baby is 3 mth + now. Nowadays i wake him up if he slept longer than 6hrs at night. He drinks milk at 5.30 - 6pm. Went to bed at 7.30pm. I woke him up for milk at 10.30pm and 4.30am. My husband say i should wake him up maximum 4hrs. But i feel that i am disturbing his sleep. Mummies, how often should i wake a 3mth + old baby up for milk at night? When do u all drop nights feed for your babies?

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Agree with another parent’s comment. My baby started sleeping through the night since 2.5mo. We gradually stopped the night feedings. Eventually; the last feeding was around 11pm. Unless baby didn’t take much milk during the day, we dream fed to ensure the minimum intake required.

My baby started sleeping longer hours at 2 months and slept thru the night at 2.5h. I let him be. Which was the best phase cause we finally gt to sleep longer!! They also need alot of sleep!!

If he is gaining weight steadily then there's no need to wake him up at night to feed unless he wakes up on his own at night and shows hunger cues then you can offer one feed

We started dropping night feeds when my LO was 3+ mths. LO started sleeping for longer stretches and we just let her sleep instead of waking her up or dream feeding

After 10 or 11pm feed, no need to wake him up for milk, unless he cried for milk. sleeping is very important development too.

I never wake my baby up unless he cry. I don’t think it’s needed to wake baby up , sleep is important for them.


i never wake my LO but feed on demand with mix of BM & FM