Recommended childcare centers?
Aside from proximity, any recommendations on good childcare centres and how soon you should start the search?? Are Mindchamps, Montessori etc worth the hype?

you'll need to define and decide your definition of good childcare center. style of teaching? food served? caring teachers? and also your budget. promixity to me is very important too cos I don't like the hassle of too much time travelling to and from school. its important to go down and take a look, ask questions and see the school to feel the vibes. for really popular schools, you may want to register as soon as you've decided cos the waiting list for a lot of preschools, especially in sengkang punggol area can be super long (think 300 over in the queue). I put my girl on wait list for pre nursery when she was 2 months old and only got a place when she turned 21 months. this article may be useful for you:
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