Consistent spotting
Hi, anyone with similar experience? About 5 weeks pregnant. I have consistent light pink to red spotting for 6 days. Went to the doctor on 5th day, he did a check and an transvaginal ultrasound. According to doctor, the bleeding was ok. But I’m still worried that this will result in miscarriage. Should I ask for second opinion or get higher dosage of duphaston? #firstbaby #advicepls

I had consistent spotting; I define it as daily .. and minimum a couple of times (could be more fresh spots in day) I don't recall for 1st pregnancy... though at week 12 I had a big bleed... a&e visit, threatened miscarriage. progesterone supplements saved the baby (now turning 5) my second 2018 pregnancy, there was consistent spotting from week 6 that ended in miscarriage at week 8. and consistent spotting for my current pregnancy started week 5... I went to (different) gyne (for location reasons more than anything) with the history and got progesterone again and took it thru to week12. we are now at week18+6 *fingers crossed*
Read moreI have experienced the same. Mine lasted weeks and was given progesterone. I was told at week 7 onwards, your body will develop more progesterone naturally. Spotting stopped at week 8. Doc said spotting is common, but not normal. Hence must monitor, try to have more rest and don’t carry heavy stuff. But should U experienced cramps at the middle of your lower tummy, pls go hospital straight. That was the advice given to me.
Read moreHi, i had on and off pink, red and brown spotting throughout my 1st trimester. Throughout that period, I was given duphaston as well as injection to stabilise my pregnancy. If your spotting getting slightly heavier, is best to visit hospital and have a scan. Now I'm at wk29 pregnancy and so far baby is healthy & well! 😊
Read moreOk thank you for the information!
you can always seek for second opinion but for my case I have spotting during the early stage of pregnancy and was told it's normal cause of implantation bleeding if I am not wrong.
If it gives you peace of mind, definitely seek a second opinion!
More bedrest and stop all walking and exercise n housework.
Got a bun in the oven EDD 13 Sep 2022