Anyone still eat MOS burger mayo and Mussel Nuggets during pregnancy?

Anyone still eat MOS burger mayo and Mussel Nuggets during pregnancy? I'm craving for MOS fish burger, but I know that burger contains mayo, is it safe?#advicepls #pleasehelp #pregnancy

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I love mos fish burger too! i had it quite frequently during my pregnancy with the iced milk tea, like weekly! Baby came out healthy at 3.7kg on 40w+1d. I satisfied a lot of my cravings during pregnancy. Luckily I didn't have gestational diabetes, just a bigger baby that had to be vacuumed 😅

4y ago

So far no side effect for my baby. PD says she's very healthy when born 😊

I ate MOS fish burger a few times haha! I read that commercial fast food chains use factory-made mayo which uses pasteurised eggs to produce their mayo - so it’s safe! Enjoy your fish burger hehe

I had mos burger mayo during my pregnancy thou i had GD. Its ok dun worry. I have delivered to a baby of 2.585kg!

4y ago


MOS uses kewpie mayo which uses pasteurized eggs so it's safe for pregnancy :)

4y ago

noted. thank you!

Super Mum

Hey there, commercial Mayo is safe. It’s usually made with pasteurised eggs.

4y ago

ok noted. thank you